About Me

I live in Jundiaí, SP, Brazil with my wife and four cats. I have a degree in Electrical Engineering by UNICAMP and I have been working as a software engineer for more than 10 years, mainly using Python for web projects and web scraping.

I am also the co-founder of Laboratório Hacker de Campinas, a hackerspace in Campinas, SP, Brazil.

In my free time I enjoy homebrewing (eventually I blog about that) and woodworking (when I am able to spend an entire day at the hackerspace).

Sometimes I publish some videos in my Peertube account about software development in general.


I am the maintainer of the following open source projects:

  • Querido Diário is a platform that crawls and scrapes official documents of Brazilian cities and making them more easily accessible to the general public.

  • Spidermon is a extension that helps to monitor the execution of web crawlers developed with Scrapy framework.

  • Joker is a Telegram Bot developed to run in my hackerspace Telegram channel. It provides a set of useful (or just funny) commands for calendar, finance reporting, pizza math and others.

  • DojoPuzzles is a page that helps participants of Coding Dojo sessions to choose a suitable problem to be solved. I created this project many years ago, when I organized these sessions. There are not many updates since them, but it is still very used in Brazilian community.


You can find me on Linkedin or the Fediverse.