Simplify JSON Manipulation with JMESPath

A common method to retrieve data from dynamic websites involves emulating the internal API calls made by the page, foregoing the need to render the entire page through a web browser. This entails processing the response, typically in the form of JSON content. Given the lack of access to API documentation, we cannot anticipate all potential response variations.

Similarly, when integrating with third-party APIs, whether or not in a web scraping context, the responses are seldom completely reliable. This calls for a defensive coding approach to avoid potential breakdowns due to invalid responses.

So let’s see how we can do that approach using pure Python and also explore an alternative using JMESPath to achieve more concise and comprehensible code.

Sample JSON payload

This is a simplified version of the JSON payload of a payment event sent by Paypal webhooks already converted to a Python dictionary.

As an example, let’s extract all the URLs that exists inside the resource and links keys.

response = {
  "id": "8PT597110X687430LKGECATA",
  "resource": {
    "id": "2DC87612EK520411B",
    "state": "authorized",
    "amount": {
      "total": "7.47",
      "currency": "USD",
    "parent_payment": "PAY-36246664YD343335CKHFA4AY",
    "links": [
        "href": "",
        "method": "GET"
        "href": "",
        "method": "POST"
        "href": "",
        "method": "POST"
        "href": "",
        "method": "GET"

Extracting the information

Let’s consider the ideal structure of our dictionary. To extract the links, a simple function like the following seems to fit:

def get_links(response):
    return [
        link["href"] for link in response["resource"]["links"]

However, reality often introduces complexity, particularly when dealing with third-party responses. There’s no guarantee that we will consistently receive all required key-value pairs or data types as anticipated. Consequently, a need arises to gracefully manage potential errors and exceptions.

What if our JSON lacks a response key? Alternatively, what if links appears as None instead of a list? Furthermore, some instances might deliver a list of links, while others may not include it at all.

As we integrate additional validations and error-handling measures, our code inevitably becomes convoluted, making it progressively more challenging to discern its underlying functionality.

def get_links(response):
        resource = response.get("resource", {})

        if not isinstance(resource, dict):
            raise ValueError("Invalid 'resource' type")

        links = resource.get("links", [])

        if links is None:
            raise ValueError("'links' is None")

        if not isinstance(links, list):
            raise ValueError("Invalid 'links' type")

        return [
            link["href"] for link in links
            if isinstance(link, dict) and "href" in link
    except (KeyError, ValueError):
        return []

Readability counts.

Introducing JMESPath

JMESPath serves as a query language designed for JSON, enabling the extraction and transformation of elements from a JSON document. This specification encompasses implementations in numerous popular programming languages. One such implementation is the Python library jmespath.

By employing JMESPath, we can streamline the code we have previously crafted, resulting in the elimination of numerous lines of code, all while upholding its robustness. This approach also mitigates the occurrence of unforeseen errors and exceptions.

import jmespath

def get_links(response):
    return"resource.links[].href", response) or []

This code adeptly manages various scenarios, including the absence of keys or encountering a data type other than a list, such as None. In instances where the expression fails to evaluate correctly, the search() function returns None. This concise and well-structured code not only trims unnecessary elements but also enhances readability.

It is possible to perform much more complex queries in a JSON using this language, so it is worthwhile to look at JMESPath tutorial and add this as a new tool that you can use in your projects.